
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

New Year, New Me

Each fall semester students create goals for the new academic year. These typically involve commitment to attending lectures, passing classes, working out, etc. With a few weeks of fall semester completed, the students and staff of OFE have created some personal and academic goals for this year:

“Just to get through classes successfully.” – Marissa [senior, Industrial Engineering]

“My goal for this year is just to become more disciplined in my routine!” –Coby [junior, Professional Writing and Political Science]

“I have learned that life isn’t some straight path from point A to point B. But rather much more of a curvy racetrack with milestones to celebrate and obstacles to overcome. So, worry less and enjoy the ride. But if you are me, find someone else to drive. (That last line – will make my friends laugh!)” -Heather [Assistant Director of Communications, OFE, WIEP & MEP]

“Personal goal: lose the freshman 15.” -Aaron [senior, Aerospace]

“This year my goal is to push myself out of my comfort zone as often as possible.” –Erin C. [junior, Elementary Education]

“Make it to the gym once a day and make it to the library or study session every day” -Gabe [sophomore, Mechanical Engineering]

“Get more involved in campus events. For example, PMU hosts lots of events I’d like to attend.  Academically I’d like to get more involved in student organizations related to computer engineering such as ACM and IEEE. Personally, I’d like to do more community service this year.” -Colin [sophomore, Computer Engineering]

“My goal is to remember everyone’s names and have my projects finished on time!” –Bradlye [junior, Computer Graphic Technology]

“Get a 3.0 GPA” – Andrew [sophomore, Construction Engineering and Management]

“My goals for this year are to be accepted to the Spring 2018 IE study abroad program in Sweden and pass thermodynamics.” –Erin S. [junior, Industrial Engineer]

My plan for the year is, as always and forever, to continue to get our office more organized! There are millions of ways to do this, but I'm currently looking at using various online software programs that are available to us now to both track our projects and to assist me in delegating responsibilities to our Pre-College Student Advisors (PSA's).  On the professional development side, I am involved in the inaugural COE coaching cohort, and am looking forward to helping to coach colleagues to success.  I'm looking forward to helping to develop each of these projects and see them to fruition.  –Lindsay [Office Manager, OFE]

What are your goals for this academic year?

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